Prostate cancer: additional therapies
To improve insulin sensitivity and to survive: Agaricus blazei Murill and apigenin. In western societies after, lung cancer men die the 2nd most frequently in prostate cancer compared to different cancer types. Its frequency is higher in the elderly ages. 30% of men in their 50s and 80% of men in their 70s suffer from this disease. It is worth knowing that the factors which foster the survival as despite its frequency most of the men suffering from prostate cancer die due to other diseases.
Thanks to the vitamin D producer character of the otherwise skin carcinogenic UV rays it has an anti-prostate cancer effect. In the Far East the occurrence of prostate cancer is lower than in the western world. Researchers link this with the unhealthy western quality of life: excessive consumption of red meat and fats, the absence of exercise or the unhealthy diet can foster its formation. Inflammatory diseases, prostate inflammation and the frequent changing of partners can also foster the formation of prostate cancer.
The probability of the formation of prostate cancer can be decreased by taking the extract of green tea epigallocatechin gallate the frequent consumption of broccoli and cauliflower, frequent ejaculation and the systematic intensive physical exercises. The data about tomato sauce is not clear. The risk can be increased by taking too many artificial multivitamins and milk because of its high calcium level.
One of the most effective cures to prostate cancer is surgical intervention. In the case of returning and prostate cancer with metastasis, hormone therapy is usually used (the decreasing of testosterone level with hormone therapeutic aim.) which is effective for 1-2 years. However, in most cases with time the cancer cells become resistant to the therapy. The usage of hormone therapy is only justifiable for patients of high risk factors as in the case of patients with low risks its side effects can even shorten the survival time. Hormone therapy increases the death rates of cardiovascular diseases. This rate is about 27% in the case of people suffering from prostate cancer. In 44% of prostate cancer patients getting hormone therapy the blood-sugar level reaches the level of diabetics as hormone therapy decreases insulin sensitivity.
With the decreasing of the insulin sensitivity the high insulin level can increase the risk of prostate cancer fourfold in the case of normal weight people and eightfold in the case of overweight men and increases the probability of death in the case of prostate cancer with 20-30%. As physical exercises have insulin sensitivity increasing effects which decreased the formation of fatal prostate cancer in the case of men over 65 a 3 hours long intensive exercise per week. The decreasing of insulin sensitivity and high insulin level foster the progression of prostate cancer which can be influenced effectively with diets.
It was proven by clinical experiments about the Agaricus blazei Murill medical mushroom extract that it improves the quality of life of the people suffering from cancer significantly and decreases the side effects of the chemotherapy and strengthens the immune system. It was proved by a placebo controlled double-blind randomised clinical experiment in 2007 in Taiwan that the Agaricus blazei Murill extract improves significantly the insulin sensitivity even for diabetics in a serious stage. During the last years it became clearer and clearer that the medical mushroom extracts’ anticancer effect can be found not only in their immune system strengthening effect but also in their insulin sensitivity increasing effect. A case was written in Japan where dramatic remission was achieved with a patient suffering from prostate cancer with bone metastasis with Patkónyelv extract. With this the laboratory results were confirmed which stated that the Patkónyelv extract has an anti-prostate cancer effect.
Taking good quality medical mushroom extract mixtures can contribute to the efficiency of prevention and recovery. The 2nd generation apigenin standardised wheat germ grass extracts can complete the effects of the medical mushroom extracts as the apigenin’s anti-prostate cancer effect to hormone therapy, with the help of the modification of insulin signalling pathways and was proved by animal experiments. Another animal experiment proved that in another case of prostate cancer apigenin increased the survival time, decreased the reproduction of tumour cells and increased their mortality rate. The usage of those wheat germ grass and flavonoid extracts can be beneficial which contain supforaphan standardised broccoli and pomegranate extracts as the first one’s beneficial effect was proved by an epidemiological survey the second one’s was proved by a 2nd phased clinical experiment.
Author: Gábor Varga, drug expert