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KLINIKAI KÍSÉRLETEK ABSZTRAKTJAI ÉS RÖVID MAGYAR KIVONATAI Mindegyik klinikai kísérlet orálisan adagolt standardizált gyógygombákkal vagy gyógygomba kivonatokkal történt! A gyógygomba kivonatok jótékony élettani hatását számos klinikai kísérlet bizonyítja!
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Altern Med Rev. 2002 Jun;7(3):236-9. Links Comment in: Altern Med Rev. 2002 Dec;7(6):451; author reply 452-4. Can maitake MD-fraction aid cancer patients? Kodama N, Komuta K, Nanba H. Department of Microbial Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan. Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) MD-fraction containing beta-1,6 glucan with beta-1,3 branched chains has previously exhibited strong anticancer activity by increasing immune-competent cell activity.1,2 In this non-random case series, a combination of MD-fraction and whole maitake powder was investigated to determine its effectiveness for 22- to 57-year-old cancer patients in stages II-IV. Cancer regression or significant symptom improvement was observed in 58.3 percent of liver cancer patients, 68.8 percent of breast cancer patients, and 62.5 percent of lung cancer patients. The trial found a less than 10-20 percent improvement for leukemia, stomach cancer, and brain cancer patients. Furthermore, when maitake was taken in addition to chemotherapy, immune-competent cell activities were enhanced 1.2-1.4 times, compared with chemotherapy alone. Animal studies have supported the use of maitake MD-fraction for cancer. PMID: 12126464 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] A klinikai kísérlet Japánban törént 22-57 év közötti rákbetegeken, akik a II.-IV. Stádiumú különböző típusú rákbetegségekben szenvedtek. A bokrosgomba (Grifola Frondosa) porát, illetve a bokrosgomba polysaccharida kivonatát kapták a betegek. Tumor regressziót és/vagy jelentős tüneti javulást tapasztaltak a következő ráktípusok esetében: - Emlődaganatoknál az esetek 68.8%-ában, - Tüdődaganatoknál az esetek 62.5%-ában, - Májdaganatoknál az esetek 58.3%-ában. Leukémia, gyomor és agydaganatok esetében csak az esetel 10-20%- ában tapasztaltak pozitív hatást. Ha a gombát a kemoterápia kiegészítéseként alkalmazták, akkor az immunrendszer sejtjeinek aktivitása 20-40% -kal növekedett. ----------------------------------------------------------- J Med Food. 2003 Winter;6(4):371-7. Links Effect of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) D-Fraction on the activation of NK cells in cancer patients. Kodama N, Komuta K, Nanba H. Department of Microbial Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan. [email protected] Maitake D-Fraction, extracted from maitake mushroom, has been reported to exert its antitumor effect in tumor-bearing mice by enhancing the immune system through activation of macrophages, T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. In a previous study, the combination of immunotherapy with the maitake D-Fraction and chemotherapy suggested that the D-Fraction may have the potential to decrease the size of lung, liver, and breast tumors in cancer patients. In the present study, we administered maitake D-Fraction to cancer patients without anticancer drugs, and at the same time NK cell activity was monitored to investigate whether the activity is closely related with disease progression. The numbers of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells in the peripheral blood were measured in 10 patients, and NK cell activity was assessed using K-562 cells as target cells. Serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) levels in three patients and the expression of tumor markers in four patients were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The slight changes observed in the CD4(+) and CD8(+) cell numbers were independent of disease severity or stage as well as serum sIL-2R levels. In contrast, maitake D-Fraction hindered metastatic progress, lessened the expression of tumor markers, and increased NK cell activity in all patients examined. Thus maitake D-Fraction appears to repress cancer progression and primarily exerts its effect through stimulation of NK activity. In addition, we conclude that measurement of NK cell activity may be a useful clinical parameter in monitoring disease progression during and following immunotherapy with maitake D-Fraction. PMID: 14977447 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] A klinikai kísérlet Japánban történt, és a bokrosgoma polysaccharid kivonatát adagolták rákbetegeknek. A kísérlet fő eredményei: a bokrosgomba gátolta az áttétképződést, csökkentette a tumor markerek expresszióját és növelte a természetes ölősejtek aktivitását, mind a 10 vizsgált betegnél. A bokrosgomba rákellenes hatásának egyik fő oka a természetes ölősejtek aktivitásának a növelése. ----------------------------------------------------------- J Altern Complement Med. 2007 Jan-Feb;13(1):97-102. Links The mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murill in combination with metformin and gliclazide improves insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. Hsu CH, Liao YL, Lin SC, Hwang KC, Chou P. Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Taiwan. BACKGROUND: Complementary and alternative medicine use in adults with type 2 diabetes is popular. Although most of the herbs and supplements appear to be safe, there is still insufficient evidence that demonstrates their definitive beneficial effects. This study was done to determine whether the supplement of Agaricus blazei Murill extract improves insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a clinical randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Of a population of 536 registered diabetes patients with 72 subjects (1) aged between 20 and 75 years, (2) being Chinese, (3) having type 2 diabetes for more than 1 year, and (4) having been taking gliclazide and metformin for more than 6 months were enrolled in this study. The enrolled patients were randomly assigned to either receiving supplement of Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM) extract or placebo (cellulose) 1500 mg daily for 12 weeks. Homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was used as the major outcome measurement. RESULTS: At the end of the study, subjects who received supplement of ABM extract (n = 29) showed significantly lower HOMA-IR index (3.6[standard deviation, 2.5] versus 6.6[standard deviation, 7.4], p = 0.04) than the control group (n = 31). The plasma adiponectin concentration increased 20.0(standard deviation, 40.7)% in the ABM group after 12 weeks of treatment, but decreased 12.0(20.0)% among those taking the placebo (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Supplement of ABM extract improves insulin resistance among subjects with type 2 diabetes. The increase in adiponectin concentration after taking AMB extract for 12 weeks might be the mechanism that brings the beneficial effect. Studies with longer periods of follow-up should be conducted in the future. PMID: 17309383 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] A kísérlet 72 beteggel 12 héten keresztül Taiwanban történt. Placebo kontrollált, kettősvak, randomizált klinikai kísérlet. Gyógyszeresen kezelt 2. típusú diabetes mellitusban szenvedőknél az Agaricus blazei Murill napi 1500mg-os kivonatnak fogyasztása jelentősen javította az inzulin érzékenységet. ----------------------------------------------------------- Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2004 Jul-Aug;14(4):589-94. Links Natural killer cell activity and quality of life were improved by consumption of a mushroom extract, Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa, in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Ahn WS, Kim DJ, Chae GT, Lee JM, Bae SM, Sin JI, Kim YW, Namkoong SE, Lee IP. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea. [email protected] A mushroom extract, Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa (ABMK), has been reported to possess antimutagenic and antitumor effects. Here, we investigate the beneficial effects of ABMK consumption on immunological status and qualities of life in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. One hundred cervical, ovarian, and endometrial cancer patients were treated either with carboplatin (300 mg / m(2)) plus VP16 (etoposide, 100 mg / m(2)) or with carboplatin (300 mg / m(2)) plus taxol (175 mg / m(2)) every 3 weeks for at least three cycles with or without oral consumption of ABMK. We observed that natural killer cell activity was significantly higher in ABMK-treated group (ANOVA, n = 39, P < 0.002) as compared with nontreated placebo group (n = 61). However, no significant difference in lymphokine-activated killer and monocyte activities was observed in a manner similar to the count of specific immune cell populations between ABMK-treated and nontreated groups. However, chemotherapy-associated side effects such as appetite, alopecia, emotional stability, and general weakness were all improved by ABMK treatment. Taken together, this suggests that ABMK treatment might be beneficial for gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. PMID: 15304151 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] A kísérlet Dél-Kóreában az Agaricus blazei Murill kivonat nőgyógyászati tumorokban szenvedőkre gyakorolt hatását (39fő) vizgálta. Az eredményeket összehasonlíották Agaricus blazei Murill-lal nem kezelt kontrollcsoporttal (61fő). Az Agaricus blazei Murill-lal kezelt csoportban a természetes ölősejtek aktivitása jelentősen erősödött. A kemoterápia mellékhatásai, mint étvágytalanság, hajhullás, érzelmi instabilitás, általános gyengeség javult a gyógygombával kezelt betegeknél. Agaricus blazei Murill kezelés jótékony lehet kemoterápiával kezelt nőgyógyászati tumorokkal kezelt betegek esetében. ----------------------------------------------------------- Int Immunopharmacol. 2006 Mar;6(3):499-508. Epub 2005 Sep 15. Links Monitoring of immune responses to a herbal immuno-modulator in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Chen X, Hu ZP, Yang XX, Huang M, Gao Y, Tang W, Chan SY, Dai X, Ye J, Ho PC, Duan W, Yang HY, Zhu YZ, Zhou SF. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, 1st Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Many herbal medicines are widely used as immuno-modulators in Asian countries. Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi) is one of the most commonly used herbs in Asia and preclinical studies have established that the polysaccharide fractions of G. lucidum have potent immuno-modulating effects. However, clinical evidence for this is scanty. The present open-labeled study aimed to evaluate the effects of G. lucidum polysaccharides on selected immune functions in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Forty-seven patients were enrolled and treated with oral G. lucidum at 5.4 g/day for 12 weeks. Selected immune parameters were monitored using various immunological methods throughout the study. In 41 assessable cancer patients, treatment with G. lucidum tended to increase mitogenic reactivity to phytohemagglutinin, counts of CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD56 lymphocytes, plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6 and interferon (IFN)-gamma, and NK activity, whereas plasma concentrations of IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha were decreased. For all of these parameters, no statistical significance was observed when a comparison was conducted between baseline and those values after a 12-week treatment with G. lucidum. The changes of IL-1 were correlated with those for IL-6, IFN-gamma, CD3, CD4, CD8 and NK activity (p<0.05) and IL-2 changes were correlated with those for IL-6, CD8 and NK activity. The results indicate that G. lucidum may have potential immuno-modulating effect in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed to explore the benefits and safety of G. lucidum in cancer patients. PMID: 16428086 [PubMed - in process] A Kínában készült kísérletben 47 előrehaladott vasagbél tumorban szenvedőn tesztelték 12-héten kereszül a Ganoderma lucidum (Pecsétviaszgomba) hatását. Megállapították, hogy modulálja az immunrendszer működését. ----------------------------------------------------------- Immunol Invest. 2003 Aug;32(3):201-15. Links Effects of ganopoly (a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract) on the immune functions in advanced-stage cancer patients. Gao Y, Zhou S, Jiang W, Huang M, Dai X. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, New Zealand. Preclinical studies have established that the Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide (GLPS) fractions have potent anti-tumor activity, which has been associated with the immuno-stimulating effects of GLPS. However, it is unclear whether GLPS has immuno-modulating effects in humans in vivo. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Ganopoly, the polysaccharides fractions extracted from G. lucidum, on the immune function of advanced-stage cancer patients. Thirty-four advance-stage cancer patients were entered onto this study, and treated with 1800 mg Ganopoly, three times daily orally before meals for 12 weeks. Immune parameters (cytokines, T cell subsets, mitotic response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and natural killer activity) were compared between baseline and after 12-week treatment. Thirty patients are assessable for their immune functions. Treatment of Ganopoly for 12 weeks resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the mean plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL-2), IL-6, and interferon (IFN)-gamma, whereas the levels of IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased. A marked variability among patients with advanced-stage cancer was observed in the numbers of each lymphocyte subset at baseline. The mean absolute number of CD56+ cells was significantly (P < 0.05) increased after 12-week treatment of Ganopoly, whereas the numbers of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ were just marginally increased compared to baseline levels, with the CD4:CD8 T cell ratios unchanged. PHA responses after 12-week treatment with Ganopoly were enhanced in most patients, when compared to pretreatment baselines (P < 0.05). In addition, Ganopoly treatment resulted in a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the mean NK activity compared to baselines (34.5 +/- 11.8% vs 26.6 +/- 8.3%). The present study indicates that Ganopoly enhanced the immune responses in patients with advanced-stage cancer. Clinical evaluations of response and toxicity are ongoing. PMID: 12916709 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Az Új Zealand-i kísérletben 30 előrehaladott rákbetegnél tesztelték a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharida kivonatának hatását 12 héten keresztül. Jelentősen növelte a természetes ölősejtek aktivitását. Lényegesen növelte az interleukin (IL-2), IL-6, és interferon (IFN)-gamma plazma koncentrációját és lényegesen csökentette az IL-1-t és a tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha)-at. A gomba növelte az immunválaszt előrehaladott rákbetegek eetében. ----------------------------------------------------------- A randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study of a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract in neurasthenia. Tang W, Gao Y, Chen G, Gao H, Dai X, Ye J, Chan E, Huang M, Zhou S. New Zealand Institute of Natural Medicine Research, Auckland, New Zealand. Ganoderma lucidum has been widely used to treat various diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurasthenia in many Asian countries. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of a polysaccharide extract of G. lucidum (Ganopoly) in Chinese patients with neurasthenia. One hundred thirty-two patients with neurasthenia according to the diagnosis criteria of the 10th International Classification of Diseases were included in this study. Written consents were obtained from the patients, and the study was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Patients were randomized to receive Ganopoly or placebo orally at 1,800 mg three times a day for 8 weeks. Efficacy assessments comprised the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) improvement of severity scale and the Visual Analogues Scales for the sense of fatigue and well-being. In 123 assessable patients in two treatment groups at the end of the study, Ganopoly treatment for 8 weeks resulted in significantly lower scores after 8 weeks in the CGI severity score and sense of fatigue, with a respective reduction of 15.5% and 28.3% from baseline, whereas the reductions in the placebo group were 4.9% and 20.1%, respectively. The score at day 56 in the sense of well-being increased from baseline to 38.7% in the Ganopoly group compared with 29.7% in the placebo group. The distribution of the five possible outcomes from very much improved to minimally worse was significantly different (X (2) = 10.55; df = 4; P = .0322) after treatment with Ganopoly or placebo. There was a percentage of 51.6% (32 of 62) in the Ganopoly group rated as more than minimally improved compared with 24.6% (15 of 61) in the placebo group (X (2) = 9.51; df = 1; P = .002). Ganopoly was well tolerated in the study patients. These findings indicated that Ganopoly was significantly superior to placebo with respect to the clinical improvement of symptoms in neurasthenia. PMID: 15857210 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 132 neuraszténiában szenvedő betegen vizsgáták a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharid kivonatát, placebo kontrollált, kettősvak, randomizált klinikai kísérletben, Új Zélandban. A neuraszthénia klinikai tüneteit statisztikailag szignifikánsan enyhítette. ----------------------------------------------------------- J Med Food. 2005 Summer;8(2):159-68. Links Effects of water-soluble Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on the immune functions of patients with advanced lung cancer. Gao Y, Tang W, Dai X, Gao H, Chen G, Ye J, Chan E, Koh HL, Li X, Zhou S. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, New Zealand. Preclinical studies have established that the polysaccharide fractions of Ganoderma lucidum have potential antitumor activity. Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that G. lucidum polysaccharides enhance host immune functions [e.g., enhanced natural killer (NK) cell activity] in patients with advanced solid tumors, although an objective response was not observed. This open-label study aimed to evaluate the effects of water-soluble G. lucidum polysaccharides (Ganopoly, Encore International Corp., Auckland, New Zealand) on immune functions in patients with advanced lung cancer. Thirty-six patients were enrolled and treated with 5.4 g/day Ganopoly for 12 weeks. In the 30 cancer patients who completed the trial, treatment with Ganopoly did not significantly alter the mean mitogenic reactivity to phytohemagglutinin, mean counts of CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD56, mean plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and interferon (IFN)-gamma, or NK activity in the patients, but the results were significantly variable. However, some cancer patients demonstrated markedly modulated immune functions. The changes in IL-1 were correlated with those for IL-6, IFN-gamma, CD3, CD8, and NK activity (P < .05), and IL-2 changes were correlated with those for IL-6, CD8, and NK activity. The results suggest that subgroups of cancer patients might be responsive to Ganopoly in combination with chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Further studies are needed to explore the efficacy and safety of Ganopoly used alone or in combination with chemotherapy/radiotherapy in lung cancer patients. PMID: 16117607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] A Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharid kivonatának hatását vizsgálták Új Zélandban 12 héten keresztül 30 előrehaladott tüdőtumorban szenvedő betegen. A kemo- és sugárterápiát kapott betegek egy alcsoportjánál jelentős immunmoduláló hatást váltott ki.